Design and Construction of an Arduino-Driven Weight-Based Fish Sorting Tool


  • Muhammad Basyir State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Jl. Banda Aceh- Medan, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muhamamd Kamal State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Jl. Banda Aceh- Medan, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Mustafa Kamal State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Jl. Banda Aceh- Medan, Aceh, Indonesia


Fish sorting tool, strain gauge sensor, Arduino Uno, weight-based sorting


This research aims to design and develop a weight-based fish sorting tool that uses a strain gauge
sensor under Arduino Uno control. We designed this tool to enhance the effectiveness and
accuracy of the fish sorting process, focusing on three size categories: small, medium, and large.
The system consists of a strain gauge sensor that measures the weight of the fish, an HX711 module
that converts analog data to digital, a servo motor to move the fish, and a conveyor that moves the
fish through the sorting process. We conducted testing to measure the accuracy of the system in
determining the fish's weight and its success in classifying it based on its size. The test results
show that this device has an average accuracy rate of 99.5%. However, minor differences in weight
measurements suggest the need for further improvements. Overall, the fishing industry has
enormous potential to implement this tool to increase productivity and reduce reliance on manual



How to Cite

Basyir, M., Kamal, M., & Kamal, M. (2024). Design and Construction of an Arduino-Driven Weight-Based Fish Sorting Tool. INTI Journal, 2024. Retrieved from


